Sample Mortgage Ads

Co-Branded Mortgage Ad Example – Realtor and Mortgage Company

Many people ask us questions about co-branded marketing and what is permitted and how to structure the co-branded marketing piece and properly share in the costs of printing and mailing. Here’s an example of a co-branded marketing piece we encountered recently between a real estate firm and a mortgage lending company. See much of the cost should have been paid by the realtor and how much by the mortgage company. What about the termite inspection company? How much of the cost should that company have paid?  Is the Termite Company a Settlement Service Provider subject to RESPA

Answer: most likely yes ……





















How can I get 15 Sample Mortgage Ads

There’s obvious advantages to getting copies of competitors mortgage ads. You can view the tactics they are following and can compare the tea of disclosures and disclaimers they are making to meet state and feral disclosure requirements. So how do you get your hands on some sample ads?

Well, look no further, go to our home page and click on the link for 15 Free Sample Mortgage ads. Enter your info and you will be redirected to a page where your can download, print or view the sample mortgage ads at your convenience and leisure.