Co-Branded Mortgage Ad Example – Realtor and Mortgage Company

Many people ask us questions about co-branded marketing and what is permitted and how to structure the co-branded marketing piece and properly share in the costs of printing and mailing. Here’s an example of a co-branded marketing piece we encountered recently between a real estate firm and a mortgage lending company. See much of the cost should have been paid by the realtor and how much by the mortgage company. What about the termite inspection company? How much of the cost should that company have paid?  Is the Termite Company a Settlement Service Provider subject to RESPA

Answer: most likely yes ……





















About Admin

Our team has extensive experience in reviewing mortgage advertisements and advising clients about mortgage compliance issues including use of Compliance Management Systems, State and Federal compliance matters, and running the Legal and Compliance departments of major mortgage banking entities. Our company has Advertising Quick Hits learning Guides available as well as a self-study six week E-Course that will help your team member, or you, become more skilled at becoming an Advertising Compliance Officer for your company.