New Loan Advertisements we are Seeing

Realtor Ad – Advertises Real Estate Services and Mortgage Origination

Here’s an advertisement that offers both real estate sales or listing services and also great rates on purchase loan mortgages.

This Broker advertises all of these services out of her American United Mortgage Corporation. Realtor ad offers real estate and mortgage


So you can get help with selling your current home at only a 1% commission.  You can also get a free mortgage rate evaluation.

This raises the question whether a real estate agent can earn both a commission on the sales transact and a fee on the mortgage transaction. The answer is No on HUD FHA loans but most states seem to allow this with full disclosure to the borrower (that you are getting paid on both deals) on non FHA loans.

Read more about this Realtor Ad.


Strategies to Track your mortgage ads

I was attending the National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association Meeting (NRMLA) in San Francisco and sat in on a session on marketing of reverse mortgage loans. The presenters addressed some good topics like marketing strategies, having a call to action in your advertisement, and tracking of your advertisements.

This topic of tracking your advertisements got me thinking not just about conversion and spending dollars on the right type of marketing each month but also on other important issues related to managing all of your mortgage advertising.

Tracking – one presenter talked about how his company asks the consumer about how he or she learned about their company. In fact – this particular presenter mentioned that they train their staff to ask the tracking question in three different ways on each call:Tracking ads cycle


  • How did you hear about us?
  • What advertisement did you see?
  • What number did you call?

See our Tracking Page for more of the story …

Regulation Z Trigger Terms – what are they?

Sometimes mortgage advertisers are not fully aware of the Regulation Z “Triggering Terms” rules that require additional disclosures to be made in your mortgage ad. Here’s a quick review of the Triggering Terms that come straight from Reg Z 1026.24:

(d) Advertisement of terms that require additional disclosures—(1) Triggering terms. If any of the following terms is set forth in an advertisement, the advertisement shall meet the requirements of paragraph (d)(2) of this section:

(i) The amount or percentage of any down payment.

(ii) The number of payments or period of repayment.

(iii) The amount of any payment.

(iv) The amount of any finance charge.

If any of the above terms are in your ad the following additional disclosures must be made:

(2) Additional terms. An advertisement stating any of the terms in paragraph (d)(1) of this section shall state the following terms, as applicable (an example of one or more typical extensions of credit with a statement of all the terms applicable to each may be used):

(i) The amount or percentage of the down payment.

(ii) The terms of repayment, which reflect the repayment obligations over the full term of the loan, including any balloon payment.

(iii) The “annual percentage rate,” using that term, and, if the rate may be increased after consummation, that fact.

Application of the Rules:  Stating the amount of down payment and the APR is easy. The more detailed disclosure involves the statement regarding the terms of repayment. If for example you are advertising 3% down payment loans and you do not already have a mortgage payment or interest rate in your ad, the best way to handle this is to disclose a 30 year fixed rate loan example, the payment amount and the rate that was used as of the date of creation of your ad.


How to Advertise a Mortgage Loan Using Google Adwords

We recently added a new post on how to advertise a mortgage loan on Google Adwords. Your mortgage company may have asked you to review its mortgage ads that the company intends to post on internet searches using Google Adwords. You will be asked to review the four lines of the ad as well as the landing page linked to such adwords

Do you want to see how your review process should work, take a look here:

See our How to Write a Google Adwords Mortgage Ad for More information.