Daily Archives: November 26, 2016

New Format at Advertiseyourloans.com Posts and Pages

At Advertiseyourloans.com our goal is to provide you with a resource to look up tips and best practices examples of how to do certain types of advertisements for mortgages and other loan products.  To create uniformity among the information, tips, and sample disclosures that we provide you at our website we will be implementing a new format to present our content to you in an easy to understanding process.

The new AYL format will generaly follow the below outline and presentation. Some variation will occur where we want to proide more specialized information or tips related to specific advertising topics of interest. The format of our posts and pages will be as shown below:

Advertising Topic

  • Type of Advertisement:
  • Applicable Regulations
  • Disclosure Sample :
  • Practice Tip:
  • Tips and Traps:


Stay Tuned for new posts and advertising disclosure samples in this format.


– The Team – Advertiseyourloans.com