Advertising Rules

How to advertise Home Equity Lines of Credit (“HELOCS”)

I was asked to write the disclosure for a HELOC advertisement recently and realized it’s been many years since I had done so. I needed a refresher on the rules so I checked out Regulation Z to find out what the rules are for HELOC ads.  There’s an entirely different set of rules that closed end credit ads but I realized it really boils down to telling the consumer about three important things:

  1. What are the costs to obtain the loan and to maintain it each year?
  2. What are the terms of the repayment of the loan?
  3. What finance charges apply, ie. what’s the APR, and how do you calculate the rate that can change over the term of the loan?

We added a new page that discusses all of these rules for HELOC Ads. Check it out at: HELOC Disclosures – How to Advertise a Home Equity Line of Credit.

How to Write a Mortgage Advertisement that Won’t Get You into Trouble

How to Write a Mortgage Advertisement

How to Write a Mortgage Advertisement (that won’t get you into trouble)

You’ve been using Google, Bing or Yahoo to figure out one of the following:

  • What disclosures and disclaimers do I need on my mortgage ad?
  • Can I see some sample mortgage ads?
  • Do all the rules apply when my advertisement is a banner ad on a webpage?
  • Do I need a license to advertise mortgage loans?
  • What are the Truth in Lending Act and Regulation Z Rules that I need to comply with in my ad?
  • Marketing ideas for my mortgage loan business?
  • What online tools can I use to create better mortgage advertisements?
  • How can I advertise mortgage loans and not be sued for some wrong statement I make in my ads?

If you’re frustrated and ready to get ALL these answers and more, you’ve come to the right place! is the ultimate resource for all things related to the mortgage loan industry.

Our Team is headed up by a licensed California attorney Ken Block. Ken has reviewed and  edited thousands of mortgage ads for mortgage lenders and brokers since 1997.

When Ken reviews proposed ads, he  follows a set of rules and checklists plus a lot of common sense. A few years ago, Ken started to put these checklists and rules into written notes here and there. Overtime, we have compiled all of Ken’s notes and summarized the rules you need to follow in this easy to read Guide.

Ken has seen it all and knows the best ways to handle the compliance rules that apply to mortgage advertisements as well as providing ideas for what’s working out there in today’s market.  Companies today are being fined millions for not following the steps and strategies that Ken describes in this easy to read How to Advertise Mortgage Loans Guide.

Spend as much time as you like reading our previous Posts. We’ve thoroughly discussed every aspect of the business including ads on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, use of banner advertisements, direct mail advertisements, online loan inquiry forms, electronic disclosures at websites, licensing, analysis of state-by-state advertising rules, The CFPB, mobile friendly websites, lead generation, lead buying, lead selling, EVERYTHING!

Finally, when you’re ready to be the compliance guru that reviews and approves new advertisements for your employer, client, or for your own Mortgage Company, get your copy of the  “How to Advertise Mortgage Loans ”  Guide. There is nothing like it anywhere. We have zero competition!


Order How to Advertise Loans Book

How to Advertise Mortgage Loans:

What Your How to Advertise Mortgage Loans Modules Teaches You:

  • Module 1 – How to Serve as Your Company’s Mortgage Advertising Compliance Officer
  • Module 2 – Regulation Z Triggers – Following the Truth in Lending Act Rules
  • Module 3 – Advertising Decisions You Will Need to Make
  • Module 4 – Avoiding UDAAP in Ads Plus Federal Trade Commission Act Rules
  • Module 5 –State Law Rules and Substantiation
  • Module 6 – Advertising on the Internet and via Social Media

How to Advertise Mortgage Loans Contents:

These detailed Modules will cover the basic steps involved in getting things set up and running. Don’t worry those of you who have some experience with reviewing marketing materials and familiarity with some of the rules you need to follow. This Guide will provide you with invaluable disclosure checklists, sample language to include in your advertisements, and sample mortgage product disclosures that will help you with your review process

Test Your Knowledge Real Life Advertisements to Learn From:

Make sure that you take the time to try the Test Your Knowledge Advertising Examples sections of the Guide. Email your answers and questions to

Email Contact Required: Continue to email us with your questions. We will get you on the right track by answering your questions or at least pointing you in the right direction to learning the rules and the process to serve as your Company’s mortgage advertising compliance officer or to just review each of your ads as the owner of your mortgage company.


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Who is this “How to Advertise Mortgage Loans” Guide meant for? Business entrepreneurs, new and experienced mortgage company owners, mortgage brokers, compliance officers, experienced mortgage players who want to brush up on advertising rules – virtually anyone with a need for in-depth knowledge and access to a system to learn and refer back to the relevant rules when writing or reviewing new loan advertisements.


Click the Order Now button above to obtain instant downloaded copy of your Training Course in an easy to read PDF format.

FTC Looks to Purchased Search Terms in Deceptive Advertising Complaints

Troutman Sanders law firm put out a good article on two recent FTC enforcements. “Given these decisions, it is particularly important for businesses engaged in internet marketing to carefully consider the search terms they use to drive customers to their websites. If words purporting to describe a product or service would not be accurate when stated directly to consumers through traditional advertising, then businesses should not use those words to describe their goods or services through keywords.”Google adwords and bing

Summary from the Troutman Sanders LLP article: These two companies were charged with deceptive trade practices.
1) Lumos Labs, Inc., the owner of the online “brain game” portal Lumosity was charged for deceptive trade practices for making it sound like their brain puzzle game could help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. The FTC complaint against Lumocity stated: “Defendants have employed an extensive search engine campaign, including through Google AdWords, and have purchased hundreds of keywords, including many variations of words related to memory, attention, intelligence, brain, cognition, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease.”

2) Stratford, a for profit web-based school offering degrees to students seeking high school diplomas engaged in deceptive trade practices by misrepresenting that their high school equivalency course would give its graduates he program would help students with career advancement and enable them to apply to college (this was not true, the program they offered fell short of the required courses and many employers and colleges did not view this as the equivalent of a high school diploma). “The search terms Strafford bought were “official high school diploma,” “high school diploma equivalent,” and “real high school diploma online,” in order to direct potential students to the Stratford website.”

So what we learn here is we need to be careful about the actual keywords we buy to promote our services if such keywords are not representative of the products or services we are offering. Note that the keyword purchases were a factor among other advertising done by these companies and the totality of the circumstances will likely be reviewed by the regulator to find the violation.

For the entire Troutman Sanders Article – see FTC Looks to Purchased Search Terms in Deceptive Advertising Complaints

Regulation Z Trigger Terms – what are they?

Sometimes mortgage advertisers are not fully aware of the Regulation Z “Triggering Terms” rules that require additional disclosures to be made in your mortgage ad. Here’s a quick review of the Triggering Terms that come straight from Reg Z 1026.24:

(d) Advertisement of terms that require additional disclosures—(1) Triggering terms. If any of the following terms is set forth in an advertisement, the advertisement shall meet the requirements of paragraph (d)(2) of this section:

(i) The amount or percentage of any down payment.

(ii) The number of payments or period of repayment.

(iii) The amount of any payment.

(iv) The amount of any finance charge.

If any of the above terms are in your ad the following additional disclosures must be made:

(2) Additional terms. An advertisement stating any of the terms in paragraph (d)(1) of this section shall state the following terms, as applicable (an example of one or more typical extensions of credit with a statement of all the terms applicable to each may be used):

(i) The amount or percentage of the down payment.

(ii) The terms of repayment, which reflect the repayment obligations over the full term of the loan, including any balloon payment.

(iii) The “annual percentage rate,” using that term, and, if the rate may be increased after consummation, that fact.

Application of the Rules:  Stating the amount of down payment and the APR is easy. The more detailed disclosure involves the statement regarding the terms of repayment. If for example you are advertising 3% down payment loans and you do not already have a mortgage payment or interest rate in your ad, the best way to handle this is to disclose a 30 year fixed rate loan example, the payment amount and the rate that was used as of the date of creation of your ad.